Quest Systems, and Source Control: George Skaggs

Hello everyone and welcome back to another devlog this friday night! To make up for last week Im going to cover two different issues today! So lets get into it:

So this week I had focused on the quest system for the game, from being able to gain quests and add them to a quest book, to marking off tasks and even quests themselves! I also made it so that the level transitions actually exist now in the game between the dream world and the real world! However the quest system had a slight issue while making it: I started the system by following a youtube tutorial mainly so I could get it implemented fast back during our first prototype run, so when I came back to it this week, I wanted to change it into something I understand and let me tell you, there was a lot of issues doing that. Ill include an image below to show off some of the code for this system in the end, as simple as it may look, this took me at least 3 hours to get working from the wacky foundations I had laid accidentally last month:

Now for the second part of this post: Source Control. . .

Due to this being a team project, we have to use source control to keep files between the two developers. While this is being worked on as a school project, we get to use perforce. And for the most part perforce is great dont get me wrong, however there are some quirks that are not quite as easy to work around as one may think. So Febuary 15th was when our last sprint had ended and we were doing a build, I normally handle the builds because im used to doing it more often and have the tools to make a demo installer on my laptop ready to go. However when I started the build, my engine threw an error. 

Now this screenshot is just one of several errors I had gotten, in the end, I found out that some of my folders had actually corrupted themselves and Unreal Engine could no longer load them in. Something similar actually had happened while working on the quest system and I nearly lost 4 hours of work because all the blueprints I had made just, vanished from the project on my end for no reason. 

Anyway thats the end of this small update! Thank you all for reading and I'll catch you next week!


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